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fear of vomiting?


Jan 6, 2009
hey, first off, sorry if this is in the wrong forum, i couldnt really work out where it would be.
but basically, for the last year or 2 ive had a really strong phobia of vomiting. its not as bad now as it was last year but its still pretty strong. the thought or sight of someone being sick would make me sure id be sick and id have to calm myself down for like a half hour before id be able to socialise or really do anything again. i think it might be something to do with the fact i used to get a lot of blackouts and panic attacks for most of my childhood and early teen life, but i dont really understand why its there or how to get rid of it.
it sounds like it might not be a huge problem but it really gets in the way sometimes; last year, on a big binge with 3 mates at a festival, one of them threw up and we took her back to her place and i was still feeling great, but in the wait outside hers while my friend (her boyfriend) carried her inside, i started feeling really sick and it carried on for like 3 hours, but i physically couldnt throw up or make myself sick, we tried EVERYTHING (its a stupidly long list of what we did to get me to throw up but basically imagine everything disgusting you could do at a festival and we tried it) and i couldnt get rid of the massive nausea.
it also stopped me drinking alcohol for about a year, which ive only just got back into for the last 3 months or so.

if anyones heard of anything like this before, any thoughts would be very helpful :)
I dont have as huge a fear of vomiting as you, but I truly detest it. I only puke maybe once a year at most (due to super to the MAX extreme drunkeness--- i have a freakishly high tolerance) and I hate it so much, I actually cry while doing it. :p :( I am MORTIFIED when people vomit, although I dont get sick myself when someone does puke in front of me or within the vicinity. Retching sounds make me feel slightly ill ..but these are all just feelings that pass within several minutes.

Dtergent is another vomit hater =D
^ I'm with you. Although I will vomit less than that. I will do anything not to vomit. I never understood when people said "puke, you'll feel better". lol that just contradicts itself right there!
^^Actually the last time I vomited was March 2008 ... and before that, it was 2006...so far havent puked yet...thank god!!!!! Im going for once every two years ;)
I also do everything not to vomit. I'd rather sit there nauseous for hours than puke. I hate how I get vomit in my nose and it stings and then stinks. Then I get vomit in the back of my throat...it's so sick.

I guess I used to hate it a lot more cuz recently I had a week or so of vomiting several times a day. This happened twice in one year period so I kinda got used to puking. There was nothing I could do to stop vomiting this time, it just came out. My stomach would start to gurgle intensely and I would have to run to the toilet really fast.

The only time I didn't mind vomiting was on opiates. It was like not even puking cuz the feeling would come, I would puke and it didn't feel like anything. No negative feelings.

But other than that vomiting is probably the most gruesome thing that happens to me physically in life.
But other than that vomiting is probably the most gruesome thing that happens to me physically in life.

+1 !!!8o I kind of fear getting morning sickness if ever I decide to have kids...i fear that MORE than the birth itself! lulz
Yes, I am known by my friends and family to be fearful of vomit. mariacallas and I have spoken at length about the issue! %)

I didn't vomit for maybe 15 years of my life until my body started rejecting downers (I would puke at every dose). The idea of vomiting actually helped me kick that addiction.

I am less fearful of it now, as I have had about one drunken vomiting episode per year. Damien, I now know that puking is way better than lying down one whole day hungover trying not to move because you don't want to vomit.

I suppose it is a bit like understanding what is happening, why partly digested food is so unpleasant to your throat and mind.

The extreme fear is called emetophobia and some treatments are listed here.
I just threw up the other day after a hard night of drinking (once around 4am, and the again at 9am when I tried to drink some water).

If I'm feeling really drunk and basically feeling poisoned I'll make myself throw up (fingers down the throat) to get the rest of the undigested booze out of me. This always makes me feel better after as I'm not getting drunker/sicker since its not going into my system anymore.

The other morning I threw up a huge amount of concentrated stomach acid which burned like hell, my throat was irritated for a good 5 or 6 hours after.

I don't enjoy puking, but for me its a pragmatic solution. Throw up now or feel even worse in the morning. To me its a no brainer.
I hate vomiting. I didn't throw up for a few years somehow, I absolutely hated it. In the last year due to sickness and excessive partying I've puked a lot of times...every time I try to just sit there and let the nausea pass, I had the feeling after throwing up where your whole body is tingly. I don't mind taking care of others who are puking, but vomiting is probably up there with one of my least favorite things in the world. When you're fucked up it's not too bad, but when you're legitimately ill? Ugh.
oh wow, seems like theres quite a few people out there with the same thing as me. i was hoping thered be something along the lines of 'i used to have that, then i threw up a couple times and it went away' though and that doesnt seem to be the case :/
cheers though for all the replies =]
I was like that. Growing up I felt nauseous for weeks on end for no apparent reason, so needless to say I developed a dread of nausea and a fear of vomiting.

I was in the psych ward several months ago and when I was, I was sick (pharyngitis) and felt like there was something stuck in my throat constantly, so it made me feel like puking all the time. And eventually, I did. That is when I got over it. Now I can puke and be fine, no panic attacks, I used to be HORRIBLE. I used to freak out for hours over not puking and do anything I could not to feel sick or make myself feel sick. Now I"m fine though. So yeah. It can happen.
I was like this as a kid. I had a MASSIVE phobia of it. My bedroom used to be near the toilet and if one of my brothers was sick I would cry to myself the whole night, holding my ears, scared that I'd hear them being sick. I would try and persuade my brothers not to go on rollercoasters and had a huge fear of theme parks because of the possibility of puke.

If I saw/heard vomit, or was sick myself, I would be depressed and shaken for hours. It was really a severe phobia.

Anyway, when I was 15 I started work at a vet and had to deal with a lot of animal puke. That was actually a good way to ease myself into it, because animals puking wasn't as bad for me as people doing it.

Not long after I started drinking and getting sick a lot and my fear disappeared. Now I have no problem sitting with someone whose being sick and holding back their hair, it doesn't affect me at all.